A common sugar substitute is linked to a significant increase in cardiovascular risks, according to a bombshells study released this week. The revelation may have serious consequences for consumer habits and the potential for serious health risks.
The popular sugar substitute erythritol is linked to a number of health issues, especially surrounding the heart. The news about erythritol came from an article in Nature Medicine this week.
According to the lead author of the study, Dr. Stanley Hazen, the sweetener is especially dangerous for those with preexisting heart and stroke risks. He stated that those who have been diagnosed with cardiac disease or diabetes should “stay away” until more research is done.
The research shows an increase in potential heart-related illness and “fosters enhanced thrombosis.” Furthermore, the sweetener is linked to a doubling of risk for “people already at risk for heart disease.”
Dr. Hazen compared the risk to that of diabetes.
Additional research finds that there is also an increased risk of blood clots. While the human body, along with some popular plants and fungi produce the type of sugar alcohol, the normal concentrations are very low and do not come with significant risk.
However, the large-scale use of the product becomes far more dangerous, especially when introduced via a number of products.
Erythritol is a popular sweetener that is often used as a sugar substitute and is used in products such as Truvia and those used for Keto diets.
The popular product has made it into a number of American products in recent years. The revelations indicate that consumers should be especially cautious when seeking sugar substitutes.
The full effects of the discovery are not yet clear. Grocery shoppers can make independent decisions regarding purchasing products that contain chemicals. It is entirely possible, but not yet announced, that lawsuits regarding the use of the sweetener could follow.
However, for the time being, the focus of the researchers behind the study is for a closer look at the sweetener and the potential risks.