RFK Qualifies For North Carolina Ballot

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has received ballot access in North Carolina, placing him one step forward in his goal of being on the ballot in all 50 states. The move came as the presidential candidate received increased attention over the last several weeks, including in his naming of a vice presidential running mate.

The candidate received ballot access this week in his fifth state after approval from North Carolina. His campaign collected about 23,000 signatures to gain ballot access, which was well above the about 14,000 needed for the ballot.

The independent candidate has also gained access to the ballot in Utah and has collected the signatures needed for the ballot in Hawaii, Nevada and New Hampshire.

Kennedy is seeking office under the new “We the People Party.”

RFK’s campaign stated that it is working on collecting signatures in 35 states, while the petitioning period has not opened in 11 states and Washington D.C.

Kennedy received significant attention in naming activist Nicole Shanahan as his running mate, who had previously donated to left-wing causes, including the 2024 Biden campaign.

Kennedy’s expanding ballot access has caused considerable tension for Democrats. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) launched a lawsuit against his efforts.

The candidate, also known by his initials RFK, comes from a long line of successful Democratic Party officials. His uncle was former President John F. Kennedy and his father was former Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY), who was assassinated while running for president in 1968.

RFK Jr. originally ran in the Democratic Party’s presidential primary but dropped out after what he argued was interference from the DNC.

As Kennedy increases ballot access, polls have shown him with significant support, with some even registering more than 10%. The increased poll standings often show that his candidacy harms the standing of President Joe Biden.

In many national and statewide polls, former President Donald Trump leads Biden. However, when RFK is included in the polls, Trump’s lead tends to grow.