Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes Away

MLB Legend Willie Mays Die

One of the greatest baseballers ever; Willie Mays has passed away at the age of 92 years old. Mays was a very gifted player and played the game the right way on and off the field. 

Early Life: Willie Mays was born on the 6th of May in 1931 in the state of Alabama. His father, William Howard Mays, was also a talented baseball player in the Negro Leagues while his mother, Ann was an incredibly talented basketball player. This transferred over to Willie’s natural talent for baseball and by the age of 16, he had turned pro, playing for the Chattanooga Choo-Choos and later the Birmingham Black Barons in the Negro Leagues. Shortly after he caught the eye of several major league scouts and his career took off shortly after.

Major League Career: Mays joined the New York Giants in 1951. He quickly became one of the team’s star players. His amazing catches, powerful hits, and fast running made him a fan favorite. In 1954, he made the famous catch during the World Series which is still remembered today.

The Catch: As we said above, the ‘54 World Series catch is one of the best catches in baseball history. Mays was playing center field for the NY Giants and he ran deep toward center at the Polo Grounds in NYC to catch a ball hit by Vic Wertz of the Cleveland Indians. The ball was well over 400 feet and May’s made a spectacular catch just over his shoulder with his back to the infield. This play alone prevented two runs from scoring and kept the game at an even tie. The Giants went on to win the game against the Indians and the World Series. 

Accomplishments: Mays reached several incredible milestones throughout his career. He has hit 660 home runs, was a 24-time All-Star, and won 12 Gold Glove Awards. He also won the National League’s MVP (Most Valuable Player) award twice.

Post-Baseball Retirement and Legacy:  Mays still gave back to the game after he retired from baseball in 1973. He served as a coach, interpreter, and mentor to many players. “There’s no telling where we’d be without him, both on and off the field.” an anonymous baseballer said, during a recent interview. The Willie Mays name will always hold great weight in the baseball world and he’ll always be remembered as one of the best baseballers the world has ever seen. 

Fans, and players worldwide mourn Mays and several have given their remembrances and described their fondness for his impact both on and off the field.