Biden Approval Falls To New Low

President Joe Biden’s approval rating reached a new low, according to a new poll. The poor polling came after Biden’s approval reached a historical low entering his fourth year compared to recent presidents.

Biden’s poll showing also came ahead of Monday’s Iowa caucuses. Biden’s likely opponent, former President Donald Trump won an outright majority against his Republican rivals.

Biden received a 33% approval rating in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll. This result is lower than any poll taken during the Trump presidency. Furthermore, specific demographic groups oppose Biden’s current job performance and the president will need to hope to win in November. Among independents, just 28% approve of the president.

His approval rating among women stands at 31%.

Biden’s approval among Black voters is significantly lower than the approximately 90% vote share he received in 2020. Among Latino voters,

The president was also rated lower than the former president in terms of favorability. Biden was thought of positively by 33% of the public, with 57% seeing him unfavorably. Trump received better ratings on both accounts.

In addition to concerns about Biden’s policies, many Americans expressed doubt about Biden’s age and fitness in other polls. A series of polls in 2023 found that a large majority believes that Biden would be too old to serve another term.

A similar majority showed concern about Biden’s mental or physical health. The president fell down in public several times last year, including a high-profile fall during the graduation of the U.S. Air Force Academy.

A September Reuters/Ipsos poll found consistency in the concern about Biden’s health and age. The poll found that 77% of all voters, which included 65% of Democrats, said that Biden is too old to be president.

Furthermore, just 39% of the general public believes that Biden is mentally well enough to serve. Separately, a majority said that Trump had the mental sharpness needed to serve in the White House and had a significantly lower number of people describing him as too old.