Biden Facing Declining Polls

President Joe Biden is facing a flurry of declining polls at the start of the 2024 election season. The president is not only confronted by low approval ratings from the general public but also multiple polls showing him trailing former President Donald Trump.

In every recent major poll, Biden collects less than 50% in a potential rematch against Trump. In some polls, Biden is beaten by a larger margin than his victory in 2020. A recent Fox News poll showed Biden receiving just 46% of the vote against Trump. Furthermore, an Emerson poll placed Biden with just 43%.

Part of the reason for Biden’s slip has to do with several polls that showed Biden losing traction among younger voters. An NBC News poll had Trump beating the president among the youngest cohort of voters, 46%-42%.

While other recent polls showed Biden with small leads among the age group, they are much smaller than his 2020 margin.

There are multiple reasons why young voters could be abandoning the president, but due to their importance in the Democratic Party’s coalition, any loss could prove seriously damaging to his 2024 effort.

Other polls have found that Black voters approve of Biden far less than when he took office and that Trump would likely make major inroads if the election was held today.

Perhaps even more troubling for the president is his current approval rating according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. As of earlier this week, the president ranked at between 40% and 41%.

In addition, almost 56% of respondents said that they disapproved of the president’s job performance.

The president’s current approval ratings are lower than his last three predecessors in their third year in the White House. At the same time in Trump’s tenure, he had an average of more than 44%. Trump also had a lower disapproval rating than Biden does now.

The public also has low confidence in Biden’s ability to serve effectively in the White House. A recent Harvard/Harris poll found that 58% believe that he is not fit to serve, while another 66% believe that Biden, 81, is “too old” for the role.